PCCI Hood and Mask SystemsThe ODS1 is used to supply breathing oxygen to a patient while using air as the chamber pressurization gas (saving money and increasing safety) or for supplying air with oxygen as the chamber has (ideal for air breaks.)
• Supply and exhaust flow controls are simple and easy to use.
• Flowmeter float positions are not affected by chamber pressure.
Once adjusted for a particular treatment, no other control changes are required in response to changes in chamber pressure. |  Baxter Hyperbaric IV PumpsThe only Hyperbaric Capable Infusion IV pump on todays market.
The HBIP is intended for infusing patients treated within a hyperbaric chamber.
Available from PCCI Hyperbaric Systems. |  Oxygen ManifoldsThe PCCI Hyperbaric Systems MHC1 manifold is designed for hospital-grade, NFPA compliant medical gas supply systems. It provides high flow capacity with minimal pressure loss. It is designed to utilize portable liquid oxygen tanks to provide high capacity without the limitations associated with a bulk oxygen system. It will support applications that require variable flow rates from no flow to full flow. |